The Bush administration has succeeded in reshaping the Endangered Species Act in ways that have sharply limited the impact of the 30-year-old law aimed at protecting the nation's most vulnerable plants and animals, according to environmentalists and some independent analysts.B*** did it on the 4th. Think they wanted no one to notice?
Oh and here's the sentence that made my head hurt (it wasn't the hangover this time, I promise):
While some environmentalists praise the incentive programs, they say these projects are not enough to protect animals and plants on the brink of extinction.Memo to "some environmentalists" (or maybe to the article's author): If the projects aren't enough to protect animals and plants on the brink of extinction, don't fucking praise them.
I try to be fair and balanced (honestly) in my assessments. Every time one of these things happens, I first apply the "if a Democrat were in the White House, would I still be upset" test. Then I apply the, "is there any hint of ideology behind this decision" test. The answer here to both is clearly "no," unless you count corporatism as an ideology, and Mussolini can tell you where that leads.