Monday, February 18, 2008

Now that HD-DVD has lost...

Let me be the first (?) to propose it's time the hyphen in Blue-ray (Blue-Ray?) go the way of the hyphen in email.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Fast Forward: April 26, 2008

Mike Huckabee was nominated today by the Constitution Party and has agreed to launch an aggressive third-party Presidential campaign. George Soros, chief campaign financier to Republican candidate John McCain, weeps.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

It's Tuesday!

February 5, 2008. You all know what that means.


Monday, February 04, 2008

Why I'm Voting for Obama

In no particular order:
  • His policy on Cuba
  • His support by red-state politicians, who see his ability to create coattails in their states
  • His tech policy
  • His lack of the name "Clinton" (not that I didn't like Bill, but I honestly do believe we shouldn't have Bush/Clinton/Bush/Clinton in the White House)
  • How much he's pissing off Paul Krugman, whom I love, but honestly, dude, it's politics, and if he has to piss you off to get Andrew Sullivan and George Will to say nice things about him, I'm 100% all about it.
  • That, on balance, I believe his splitting the independent vote and keeping the anti-Clinton forces at bay will be a November winner against McCain.
  • That the Iraq war is going to heat way up between now and November, and its renewed prominence in the campaign is going to make Obama's consistent opposition to the war a much bigger deal than it seems to be in the primary.
  • The fact that his "I'll bring Republicans and Democrats together" schtick is so utterly transparent, the way Bush's "compassionate conservative" schtick was an eye-roller, and yet so far it's having the brilliant effect of blunting the usual anti-Democratic candidate messaging by MSM centrists, and even (so far, and though I doubt it will last, a lot of people are going to have some 'splainin' to do) bringing some Republicans into a sort of detante with him.
There's more, I'm sure. I'll update later...