Friday, March 28, 2008

Major Controversy Erupts Over Empire Strikes Back's Inclusion in Suspended Animation List!


JASON: Han wasn't put in a suspended animation chamber. As Lando tells Darth Vader "Freezing him in carbonite is risky - it could kill him!" Hence, carbonite's intended use was NOT for putting people in suspended animation. Even C-3PO says that Han could be kept alive - IF - he survives the freezing process. IF!

FRENCHIE: Hmm...that's interesting and all, but we never specified what a "suspended animation chamber" was, nor did we at any point specify the need of a reason for the suspended animation.

Just to clarify, we decided that being frozen through artificial means (the example was Han Solo) was acceptable, because it left the subject in a state of suspension without killing him. Now...if being frozen had killed Han Solo (that would have been fun), then this wouldn't be up for discussion. We know he was alive, and his vitals at least were able to be checked. This lets us know that he was alive while frozen...and very much suspended.

So it counts because he was suspended artificially, and he wasn't killed by it.

PS Was Chewie hairier in the last movies then he was in the first?


Anonymous said...

Suspended animation is defined by Websters as "the slowing of the life process by external means without termination".


That said, it is my contention that being placed in a state of suspended animation, through being frozen in a chunk of ice or, as you suggest, being frozen in a fantastical and purely fictional element such as "carbonite" are one and the same.

Furthermore, we can not be sure that Han's "vitals at least were able to be checked" whilst frozen in carbonite because that was never stated in Empire Strikes Back.

If one were to re-watch the footage closely, one would realize that Mr. Calrissian (hereto referred as "Lando") only checked one dial that told him Han was still alive. I am looking at my dog on the couch next to me. He's breathing, and I can deduce from that that the dog is "alive". But does simply looking at the dog insinuate "checking his vitals"? I think not.

Assuming that Lando could "check his vitals" is a jump in logic that you are taking with the aforementioned materials. I would advise you to stick with the facts, and not rely solely on conjecture.

Furtheromre, it is my assertion that if one were to include in the discussion of "Suspended Animation" those that have been frozen in an element such as "carbonite", then one must allow discussions of characters trapped in ice. Otherwise, immediate disqualification of "Empire Strikes Back" and Han Solo is not only encouraged, but expected.

Dictated but not read.

Unknown said...

I read your post...and what I go from it was that you think things frozen in ice should be added to the list too...nothing that really says "Han Solo wasn't in a state of suspended animation"

And yes, verifying breathing is the "BIG" step in checking vitals...since you stop breathing before your heart will stop, it's safe to say that when you have verified the subject is's heart is beating. This may not give a large amount of details about your vitals...but it's still your vitals.

And also, some "dial" gave Lando enough information about Han's state of living that he could verify he was alive. Thus I say completely and without a doubt that he checked Han's vitals...or checked the machine checking his vitals.

Any ways, back to the arguement that I actually got from your post...Frozen in ice is long as it was done artificially (NO FALLING INTO A GLACIER)...check Demolition Man as that example.

So in's in, and belongs there especially going off your Websters' definition

Unknown said...

Vader "did he survive"

Lando, "he's alive...and in perfect hibernation"

soooo...just incase this wasn't already over...that should prove it