NEWSWEEK has learned that the General Accounting Office, Congress's investigative arm, is opening a probe into the [Iraqi National Congress]'s use of U.S. government money the group received in 2001 and 2002. The issue under scrutiny is not whether [INC head Ahmad] Chalabi prodded America into a war on false pretenses; it is whether he used U.S. taxpayer dollars and broke U.S. laws or regulations to do so. Did Chalabi and the INC violate the terms of their funding by using U.S. money to sell the public on its anti-Saddam campaign and to lobby Congress?Chalabi is a huge piece of the puzzle as to why we ended up going to war. Any light shined on his shenanigans will definitely help weaken B***'s Iraq case.
The investigation could easily become a political football. The GAO inquiry was requested by Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry (who when not on the stump is still a working senator) and another prominent critic of the Iraq war, Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, ranking Democrat on the Armed Services Committee. A March 3 letter from the senators says the INC's use of U.S. money is "troubling."