Thursday, February 05, 2004

Balls in the Air

I love charts.



Plame Investigation

2 possible indictments being handed down, both from VP’s office.  This seems to be coming out in drips and drabs.

Halliburton/Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR): Iraq related

Some news.  First they were paid too much for gas, and they're reimbursing us (and a criminal probe has been launched by DOD).  Then KBR sold way too much moldy food to the government and is reimbursing us.

Halliburton: Nigerian bribery, French investigation (Cheney is one of the focii, naturally)


Halliburton: Nigerian bribery, DOJ probe (Cheney not focus, oddly)

Apparently the DOJ probes, then investigates, then drops the whole thing.

Halliburton: Did I mention Iran?

Oh yeah.  They might be using offshore companies to make deals with Iran, in contravention of US law.

FEB. 11 UPDATE: Treasury is apparently looking into the matter.

Energy Taskforce: Cheney and Scalia (sittin’ in a tree)

First we find out the two are snuggling hunting together.  Now the LA Times reports that Cheney can’t get it for free.  This one should resolve soon, since the Supremes will hear the case this month (February).

Energy Taskforce: document release

Headed for Supreme Court.  Decision expected in June.

Senate staff stealing Dems’ files

Frist “resigned” someone, hoping to shut everyone up.  The resigned claims that nothing illegal went on; there are counterclaims that something illegal DID go on.

9/11 commission

Recently given a couple of extra months, which puts the report end-of-July and the leaks June-ish.

Iraqi intelligence commission: American

Give it a couple of weeks to see what’s going to be investigated and who’s going to be doing the investigating.

UPDATE: Never mind about the American commission on intelligence failures. It's being run by one of Clinton's pursuers, and it won't be looking into how intelligence was used, just into how it was gathered.

FEB 13 UPDATE: Never mind the never mind. Sure, the President's panel isn't going to do shit, but now it looks like the Senate Intelligence Committee, already looking at intelligence failures, is also going to look into how the Administration used the intelligence it received.

Iraqi intelligence commission: British

Probably won’t be a huge issue here, but might put some extra wobble on the American commission’s ball.

Bush’s National Guard records

Will they release the full set?  Is this burning itself out too early?  Probably, but there is a book coming out…check back in March.

Nick Smith Medicare bribe

House Dems considering starting a formal investigation.  Could lead to bribery charges.

Iraqi occupation

Lest we forget…everyone seems to agree that the timetable set out by the Administration is bogus and will have to slip.  The question is, how far?  Bush needs his “Occupation Accomplished” photo op.  Will he get it?


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