Wednesday, February 25, 2004

It's Time to Stop...

...linking all Republicans into some monolithic group. It is probably demonstrable that the Republican leadership has been better at stifling dissent among its disparate groups over the last 25 years than the Democratic leadership has, but that's not to say that the Republican party doesn't have disparate groups with distinct and contrary instincts and interests.

Probably for no better reason than that the Republicans have better party discipline, it has become fashionable to talk mindlessly about how this or that appeals to their "base."

Well I have news from the land of the obvious: traditional, economic conservatives are part of the Republican base, and religious fundamentalists are also part of the Republican base, and these two groups do not see eye to eye on the gay marriage constitutional amendment issue.

So. Can the Republican leadership hold its disparate groups together through November? Probably, but I'd say the chances are lower than they were a year ago.

I'm curious to find out.

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